Wax Leaf Ligustrum Shrub
Department of agriculture plant hardiness zones 8 through 10 find much to admire in japanese ligustrum ligustrum japonicum.
Wax leaf ligustrum shrub. Mature green leaves are immune. Wax leaf privet ligustrum japonicum also called japanese privet comes from japan but it grows in u s. Commonly known as wax leaf privet for its glossy evergreen foliage the tough but forgiving shrub works equally well sculpted into topiaries trained as a small tree or grouped as a flowering hedge. To prevent it remove and destroy infected leaves. The wavy leaves are a few inches long. The wax ligustrum plant is a strong and sturdy plant that is low maintenance and will tolerate a variety of soil types. The wax leaf ligustrum is a large multi stemmed broadleaf evergreen shrub that maintains a very dense symmetrical and rounded canopy.
Department of agriculture plant hardiness zones 7 through 11 and does well in urban. The large shrub or tree features lush dark green leaves and large clusters of creamy white flowers in the spring that last through summer. Ligustrum japonicum texanum sku 5820 a versatile evergreen with a compact habit and glossy green foliage that responds well to regular pruning into formal topiary clipped hedges or small standard trees. Early spring and fall are the best planting times for wax leaf ligustrum to give roots time to grow into. The best times to plant wax leaf ligustrum growing season. Displays a profusion of fragrant white blooms in spring. Other privets are more mannerly like japanese privet ligustrum japonicum that presents as a compact evergreen bush growing to 10 feet in usda zones 7b through 10 an ideal hedge plant that responds well to shaping.
Splashing water and wind spread the disease from leaf to leaf. Plant them as hedges foundation plants patio trees or in shrub borders. Because of their versatility and undemanding nature they are used extensively in home landscapes. Ligustrum japonicum texanum fast growing evergreen tree that can reach a large height terrific for privacy branches and leaves grow densely together signature smooth wax like leaves that are smooth to the touch grows in a tree and shrub form. Wax leaf ligustrums have 2 to 3 inch long leaves that are stiff and leathery with a glossy deep green color on top and a lighter silver gray color underside.